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My Games

1) Roll the ball

This WEBGL build is for PC only. For android, a link has been given below


Press a & d to move

Android Link

Here is the android link ( - Roll the Ball(3.0)

2) Catch the eggs(Only for PC)

Catch the eggs is a common game and was popular once. In this game, a chicken lays eggs and poops randomly. You have to catch the eggs, not the poops. You get points for catching the eggs, and minus for catching poops. Score as much as you can within a certain time (60s, 90s, 120s). There are some power ups and add ons. Hope you like it.

PC Link

Here is the PC link ( - Catch the eggs 1.0

If download is not starting then click on *download not starting --> enable alternate mode*

3) Don't Catch Garbage(Only for Android)

Don't catch the garbage is 2D game. It is more like catch the eggs. Instead of eggs here is coins. You have to catch the coins to gain points. You can't catch garbages i.e poops. 3 game modes are there. Single basket, Double basket, and the most fun mode *Time Mode*.
Single and Double Basket --- Just like the normal gameplay. Game over if you catch garbage i.e poop or rotate or fall off the ground
Time Mode --- Score as much as you can within 1 min 15 secs. Plus 1 for each coin and minus 1 for each garbage. And so much more is there. 4 add ons, in-game bonuses as well as bonuses at the end of the round
Play and have fun

Android Link

Here is the Android link ( - Don't Catch Garbage

If download is not starting then click on *download not starting --> enable alternate mode*

From other developers

Here are some of my favourite games from various developers. You can check them out

Online Multiplayer Games

There are so many online popular games. Below are the some of them from choice. I described them from my perspective. You can check them out

America's Army Proving Grounds

It is the best online FPS game I have ever played in my life. America's army proving grounds (AAPG) is the official game of U.S Army. It is very realistic. Every movement, guns, reactions, recoils, explosions all are realistic comparing to other popular games like CS:GO. It has a fun melee attack and very much enjoyable. Melee system is chocking while the enemy's back is infront of you or the enemy is laying down. It has several maps both BDX and flo. Basically there are two teams. One attacking and another defending. So It is a team game. You can play it for free in both PC and PS4(beta). It is available in steam for free to play. Link here - America's Army Proving Grounds (Steam Link)

AAPG ssAAPG ssAAPG ssAAPG ssAAPG ss (Tap on the images to see bigger)


Apex Legends is an online fast paced battle royal game developed by EA. It's kinda like pubg. But so much more is there than pubg. You can play with your friends in duo or trio. Unlike pubg you can play with various legends i.e character. Each legend has his own powers and abilities. Thus makes the game more dependant on teamplay and fun. It is totally free. You can download it from steam directly. Here is the link --- Apex Legends (Steam Link) Apex Legends (Origin Link)

ApexLegends ssApexLegends ssApexLegends ssApexLegends ssApexLegends ss (Tap on the images to see bigger)

Counter Strike : Global Offense

It is one of the most popular FPS games in the world. Counter Strike has several versions. But this one is the most popular. It is so fun playing the game. But it is not realistic like AAPG. Rifles have recoils. That is nice. But the sniper scope does not move. It is steady. It does not move with your breath. And so there is no system of holding breath. It has a melee attack with a knife. But AAPG has the melee of chocking. In addition, It can be palyed as a team, even all alone system. However, it does not need a very high specs pc. There are so many tournaments held in that game every year. It is free to play now on steam. But you can purchase the game to gain premium membership. Check it out. Link here- Counter Strike : Global Offense (Steam Link)

CS:GO ssCS:GO ssCS:GO ssCS:GO ssCS:GO ss (Tap on the images to see bigger)