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There are many quotes that can make your day. That can make you think twice and over again. There are three categories. If you click or press on the category name, quotes will be shown in slideshow style. Hope you will like it...

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Take all the challenges you get. Because it might be the difference between success and failure

Life will give you many chances. But one chance may not come twice

If you fall, stand up on your feet and move on. Don't expect people to help you

Don't you ever give up on you. You will be the winner one day

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Always make your loved one feel like he/she is loved. Never let your love down nor lose. Just be careful that it's the right person

If you love something let it go. If it comes back, it's yours. And if it doesn't, it was never yours

You will never get tired of the person you love. You won't ever lose interest to talk to that person. Otherwise you never loved that person

The successful marriage is not when you can live in peace with your spouse, but when you can't live in peace without him/her

Your love is in question if you feel another person other than your person

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Allah does not intend to make difficulty for you, but He intends to purify you and complete His favour upon you that you may be grateful

Real man doesn't stare at any girl other than his spouse. To him, she is someone special

Real woman doesn't show up herself to anyone - posting her photos on social medias i.e facebook, twitter, instagram, tik-tok and so on. She is only for her man

A man who is shy and modest is an amazing character. But a woman who is shy and modest is beyond amazing

True love doesn't end at death. If Allah wills it continues in Jannah

If we do not pray our salah properly, do not maintain our hijab, our character, do not fast, do not repent for the sins we did then how do we recall ourselves as muslims? Shame on us

Worldly life is very short. So turn to Allah before returning to Allah

No matter what how much we have in our life. The life is worthless without Allah

Allah says "I am in love with those who repent"

Clean up the rest of your life and you will be forgiven for your past

One of the beauties of Islam is that you can't change this religion but it indeed changes you to a better person that you don't even know